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Jewelry dolls - pendants "MALACHITE BOX"

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Every person needs to find the source of inspiration. Something that will give you energy and strength to perform great deeds or achieve your dream. Something that will motivate you and give food for creativity and a sense of easiness and inspiration.

Inspiration comes from many sources, such as love, sport, art, meditation or communication with like-minded persons, children and successful people... My inspiration comes from travelling. Many fresh ideas often come during a trip, it is an opportunity to change your everyday environment and see different countries and different ways of life, leaving behind your own customary way of life.

It also the opportunity to admire nature – a natural source of beauty. Moreover, as often happens, inspiration comes unexpectedly on a trip. The “Malachite casket” Collection presents 14 wonderful doll-pendants. The highlight of the collection is that dolls don’t have identical stones.

All stones are of different colors and hues; it gives each doll a special character, charm, and personalizes them. A very rare mineral petersite - Hawk’s Eye was used for one of the dolls and it also makes the collection exclusive.

And what is more, semiprecious stone Tiger’s Eye has been used for the first time in this collection.  Every girl will be able to find a doll-pendant to her liking in accordance with her personal style, character, preferences and world view. 

Which doll do you like more, a bright fashionista, a gorgeous queen in a golden skirt or a gentle and elegant princess? Find the doll that will be well matched with you and obtain a faithful talisman, original adornment and wonderful source of inspiration.

These lovely and unique jewelry pendants will be a wonderful gift for your sister, mom or girlfriend.
